Childcare General Information
Childcare Hours
The childcare center is open Monday - Friday from 6:30 am until 4:30 pm.
Program Enrollment
We accept students ages 6 weeks through 5 years old.
A $60 non-refundable annual registration fee is required
to secure a place in the childcare classroom for the year.
Your registration fee also includes two building access badges.
Additional or replacement access badges can be purchased for $5/badge.
Families enrolling multiple children will receive a 10% sibling tuition discount for the second
and subsequent children. The discount will be applied to the lowest tuition rate(s).
If the family qualifies for more than one type of discount,
only the sibling tuition discount may be applied per subsequent child.
Notice of Withdrawal
If you wish to withdraw your child from the program, a signed letter needs to be submitted
to the director. Please include the final date that your child will attend. Payments are required
for a minimum of two full calendar weeks from the date the withdrawal letter is received.
Your security deposit will be applied to the last attendance week.