Childcare Classrooms
At Prairie Pals we strive to provide the best care, equipment and education for each child. Each childcare classroom has been furnished with age-appropriate toys and manipulatives, child-sized furniture, ample art supplies, nap-time cots, comfy blankets and more! Children in childcare receive breakfast, snacks and lunch.
Details about our four classrooms can be found below:
Infant/Toddler Room
Our infant/toddler room has many amenities designed to keep your youngest child entertained, comfortable, cared
for and learning. The classroom has an over-sized plush carpet, which will keep our floors warm and your child's knees
bruise free. Children can sit, crawl or toddle comfortably over the carpeting's plush surface. The room is equipped with cribs
for infants and cots for older children. We have a clean and comfortable changing station, ample storage room and a
six-seat table for infants and toddlers. The room has bouncers, excer-saucers, and swings for infants and a play climber
with slide, ride-on toys, puzzles and more for the older children. In addition to these more age specific toys the room
has a sensory table, dolls, play food and kitchen, dozens of learning toys and much more for everyone to enjoy.
In addition to all the wonderful equipment in this room, we have enthusiastic experienced staff ready to welcome and care for your child, keeping them safe and comfortable while you work, and each day your child's teacher will send home a written report documenting the things they did that day. Furthermore, this room is cleaned thoroughly and materials are sanitized daily.
Toddler Room (15-30 months) *NEW in 2024
In the Toddler Room your child will participate in story time, Large Motor Room, outside place and table time. During table time they will focus on their find motor skills with activigties such as stacking, crafts, puzzles, and Play-Doh. The room is equip with many toys to encourage dramatic play and build large and fine motor muscles. We believe PLAY is the avenue for while children learn! The room is equipped with toddler sized cots. We have a clean and comfortable changing station to quickly get them clean and back to playing. Children at Prairie Pals also receive breakfast, snacks and lunch.
In addition to all the wonderful equipment in this room, we have enthusiastic experienced staff ready to welcome and care for your child, keeping them safe and comfortable while you work, and each day your child's teacher will send home a written report of their day.
Two's / Young Three's Room
Our two/young 3 year-old classroom is vibrant and fun. This room contains a separate bathroom with child-sized potty (for
potty training) in the room and comfortable diapering station. Comfortable cots for sleeping, easel for art, child-sized tables
and chairs, dramatic play area with costumes, washer/dryer play center, play kitchen, vanity and more. Car center with large
and small vehicles and play mat, construction center, grill, felt board and felt pieces, puzzles, science toys, many other play sets and more. In the Toddler/Two's room your child will have daily circle times with stories, Bible time, literacy activities, science activities, art projects and more. Children at Prairie Pals also receive breakfast, snacks and lunch. Our staff will work
with you when potty training begins and will keep you informed regarding your child's day.
Multi-Age Room
The multi-age room has many exciting areas for your child to explore. Child-sized tables, writing desks
and chairs, dramatic play with kitchen, grocery store and laundry center, workbench with tools and hard hats, writing
center, art center, cars, trains, blocks and much more. In these rooms your child will have many exciting activities
to participate in, daily literacy activities, art projects, science and/or math activities, music and movement, large motor
play, Bible lessons, stories and more. Children at Prairie Pals also receive breakfast, snacks and lunch.